North Yorkshire Council


Thirsk & Malton Area Constituency Committee


22 March 2024


Work Programme


Purpose of Report


That Members review the Committee’s work programme, considering the outcome of discussions on previous agenda items and any other developments taking place across the area.



Work Programme


The draft Work Programme for 2023/24 is attached at Appendix 1 and takes account of the areas of work identified by the previous Committee. These items could be considered during 2023/24 by the Committee and Members can prioritise these for consideration at future meetings. Members can also suggest new issues for consideration that can be placed into the Work Programme.


It is recommended that the Committee regularly revisits the Work Programme to review areas that could be covered in forthcoming meetings with additional, relevant items identified by Members added to the Work Programme.


Remit of the committee


The Area Constituency Committees:


·         Act as a forum for Members to bring forward issues affecting their local Electoral Divisions

·         Hear and respond to questions and statements from members of the public relating to anything affecting the community within the constituency area

·         Agree a Work Programme which lists items of business which the Committee wishes to consider at future meetings

·         Undertake meaningful scrutiny of local health issues within their constituency area, complementing the strategic work undertaken by the Scrutiny of Health Committee

·         Undertake meaningful scrutiny of local transport issues within their constituency area, complementing the strategic work undertaken by Transport, Economy and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee

·         Act as consultees in major decisions that affect their constituency area (including responding to consultations)

·         Make recommendations on the application of Innovation funding (supported by the Stronger Communities Team)

·         Develop a working relationship with the local MP, sharing updates and information on relevant local issues being addressed by the committee.


Scheduled meeting dates


The Meeting dates for 2024/25 are set out below:


Friday 14 June 2024 at 10am

Friday 27 September 2024 at 10am

Friday 29 November 2024 at 2pm

Wednesday 15 January 2025 at 10am – Budget proposals meeting

Friday 28 March 2023 at 10am


The majority of the meetings have been arranged for a Friday to enable the attendance of the local MP, subject to the committee issuing him an invitation to attend.





Members are asked to:


(i)     Consider, review and develop the Committee’s Work Programme;


(iii)    Note the date and time of scheduled meetings for 2024/25.